Hello everyone, today I will be analyzing the possible plastic surgery procedures of some female K-pop soloists. A few people have requested that I analyze some female soloist, so I will be doing that today. Celebrities have immense pressure to look the best as they possibly can, which can be helped by plastic surgery. I think it will be a healthier environment if celebrities (not just K-pop celebrities) are more open about the plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures they’ve done or at least not lie about it so the general public can see that beauty is attainable through plastic surgery.

DISCLAIMERS: I’m not a plastic surgeon nor have I gotten plastic surgery, so my knowledge in this area is limited (my knowledge mostly comes from Youtube really). These are just my personal opinions and not facts so you can respectfully disagree. This post is not meant for fuel to send hate to the members as they are probably pressured by the industry they’re in to look as good as they possible can. Pre-debut photos of K-pop idols are usually unclear, so my judgement can be completely wrong. With that out of the way, I’ll start with my analysis.


I couldn't find too many pre-debut photos of Hyuna, so I might miss some procedures. She mentioned that she lost a lot of weight before debuting, which can change her appearance. The most obvious change to me are her cheekbones, her cheekbones used to be more prominent compared to how it looks like now. She likely got a cheekbone reduction. When a person loses weight, their cheekbones become more prominent not less as there is less fat covering them. She also likely got a chin implant to bring her chin forward in profile view slightly. Her nose is slimmer and more projected now, she likely got a rhinoplasty with a nose implant inserted to her nose. Her lips are fuller now, she likely got fillers to her top and bottom lips. She may have also gotten double eyelid surgery. I think this way because her eyelid crease are very clear and consistent.

Pre-debut Hyuna vs. Recent Hyuna
Recent Hyuna

I think Hyuna may have gotten breast implants. She didn't seem to have gained a significant amount of weight in her career, but her chest looks fuller now. The possible implant was pretty conservative, so her body still looks pretty natural.

Wonder Girls Hyuna vs. Bubble Pop Hyuna vs. Recent Hyuna

In conclusion, I think Hyuna likely got cheekbone reduction, rhinoplasty, chin implant, fillers to her top and bottom lips, double eyelid surgery and breast implants. She has always been pretty. I want to congratulate Hyuna for her engagement, I hope they will be happy together for a long time.


Sunmi has adorable pre-debut photos online, she didn't seem to change much. I think the only possible change to her face that may be caused by plastic surgery is her nose. Her nose tip seems to be less droopy now, she may have gotten a nose lift. Her nose also looks more projected now and her nose bridge looks straighter, she may have gotten a nose implant.

Pre-debut Sunmi vs. 2007 Sunmi vs. Recent Sunmi
 2007 Sunmi vs. Recent Sunmi

In conclusion, I think Sunmi Likely got a rhinoplasty. She has always been pretty and didn't seem to change and age at all. She is one of my favorite K-pop soloists and just made a comeback with Heartburn, let's all support her comeback.


IU debuted at a really young age, and we have a lot of childhood photos of her online. She didn't seem to change at all since childhood and has always been adorably gorgeous. I think she may have gotten something done to her nose. Her nose looks smaller in proportion to her face now compared to the childhood photos. I don't think the change was caused a nose implant as her nose doesn't look more projected compared to the childhood photos. She may have gotten alar base reduction; this procedure makes the base of her nose narrower. A person's nose will usually get larger with age, not smaller, which is why I believe she may have gotten this procedure. I don't see other changes to her face that are likely due to plastic surgery.

Child IU vs. Recent IU

In conclusion, I think IU likely got alar base reduction. She has always been pretty; I think she will keep her baby face for a long time. She is truly blessed with good looks. 


Ailee has always been pretty since pre-debut; she didn't look to have changed much. Her chin looks slightly longer now, she may have gotten a chin implant to achieve this look. I think Ailee may have gotten a rhinoplasty as her current nose looks more projected in the side profile view. Other than that, I don't think I see other changes to her face that are likely due to plastic surgery.

Pre-debut Ailee vs. Recent Ailee

In conclusion, I think Ailee likely got a rhinoplasty and a chin implant. She has always been pretty; I love her powerful voice. 


Many people have discussed about how Chungha's appearance have changed throughout the years. The most obvious change are her lips that became a lot fuller. This was likely caused by fillers to her top and bottom lips. I personally think she is overdoing the lip fillers, but if this is the look she likes, I'll respect her decisions. I think she may have gotten double eyelid surgery as her eyelids look higher especially compared to the pre-debut photo. When her eyes are not fully open, we can see a clear consistent line on her eyelid crease, this is usually a sign of double eyelid surgery. Her eyes also seem to be longer horizontally now, she may have gotten her outer eye corners cut. Chungha have lost a lot of volume on her cheeks, I think this was caused by a combination of weight loss and buccal fat removal. I think this way because her face shape changed drastically, she didn't lose an extreme amount of weight compared to her IOI days. It seems like Chungha also often gets fillers to different parts of her face such as her chin and forehead. The fillers were probably done to make her skin look smoother. Another change I notice is her nose, her nose bridge looks more projected now compared to the pre-debut photo. We can see that her nose bridge used to start about where her eyes are, while since IOI her nose bridge starts right below her eyebrows. This was likely caused by a nose implant. 

Pre-debut Chungha vs. IOI Chungha vs. Recent Chungha
Recent Chungha
IOI Chungha vs. Recent Chungha

In conclusion, I think Chungha likely got fillers to her top and bottom lips, fillers to her forehead and chin, double eyelid surgery, outer eye corners cut, buccal fat removal, and rhinoplasty. I personally think many of the procedures weren't necessary as she has always looked amazing. She looks great regardless. I love her comeback with Sparkling, let's all support it.


Somi has a lot of adorable childhood photos online. She participated in a lot of survival shows before debuting as a soloist, I'm glad she can finally debut in a non-temporary group. She lost a lot of weight since debuting as a soloist which is why her face looks a lot thinner now. Her lips have been looking fuller lately, she likely got fillers to her top and bottom lips. Other than that, I don't think I see other changes to her face that are likely due to plastic surgery.

Pre-debut Somi vs. Sixteen Somi vs. Recent Somi

In conclusion, I think Somi got fillers to her top and bottom lips. She has always looked amazing; I love her confident personality.

I hope anyone reading this takes this post in a positive way as my intention is not to shame the idols for getting plastic surgery. We need to understand that K-pop idols and other celebrities have a lot of pressure to look good and it's not a bad thing for them to resort to plastic surgery as it is what is demanded by society.


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