Hello everyone, since Dreamcatcher’s comeback was announced, I wanted to do something related to Dreamcatcher as I think there is still a pretty long wait until their comeback and I just want to fill the Dreamcatcher music void within me. So, I decided to rank their title tracks… I can tell this is going to be so difficult as all their title tracks are amazing (I am also including their Japanese title tracks). Dreamcatcher is my favorite K-pop girl group musically and I enjoy pretty much all of the music they release, including their B-sides. All their title tracks have at least a hint of rock music in it which I find very refreshing in K-pop girl groups and in K-pop in general, they truly feel like a breath of fresh air to me, props to Leez and Ollunder for producing most of their music.

    These are just my subjective opinions so you can respectfully disagree. I don’t have background knowledge in music, I am just someone who enjoys music and doing this just for fun. I also didn’t take into account the lyrics in the songs as I am someone who can enjoy music without knowing the meaning of the songs and I don’t understand Korean. I’ll stop rambling and get to the point.

14. Endless Night

Putting this song last just feels weird to me. I do think it is a good song and I really liked this comeback, but something has to come in last place. It all comes down to personal preference, I personally don’t really like songs that are too upbeat. The instruments in this song sounds dope and their vocals sound amazing. But I personally don’t like to listen to the super high vocals and fast beat casually. I do enjoy listening to this song when I’m have high energy though.

13. Good Night

Same with Endless Night, I rank this song so low purely due to the fact I don’t really enjoy songs that are too fast. This song is also pretty short, which leaves me wanting more. Though I thoroughly enjoyed Sua’s rap, the amazing instruments and the choreography to the intro is very fascinating.

12. Fly High

This song is slightly different compared to most of their title tracks as it has more bright qualities to it while still maintaining the strong rock instrumental, the contrast makes it the song interesting. I think the song just ended too abruptly (though the song is not short) I do see that they did this to add impact at the end. I also think the rap parts in this song are kind of underwhelming though I think they added rap parts to emphasize the contrast that is happening in this song so I’m not mad about it and I still really enjoy this song.

11. Piri

Piri comeback is when I got into dreamcatcher so it kind of hurts to rank it this low, but I just prefer their other title tracks. I absolutely loved Gahyeon’s rap and the bridge in this song. The soft and quiet bridge makes a great contrast compared to the loud instruments present in the rest of the song. The instruments in this song are dope, I really love listening to the instrumental version of this song. I ranked Piri this low because I found that I got slightly bored of the song after a while. I’m not too sure why this is the case, but I have a suspicion it is caused by the underwhelming melody in the first part of the chorus.

10. Chase Me

The Friday the 13th song, an iconic debut. I know I said I don’t really enjoy high tempo songs, but I may be biased as this is a very special song for the members of Dreamcatcher/Minx. This song has a very strong rock sound and an amazing melody to complement the strong instrumentals. I have no complaints about this song other than I only enjoy listening to it when I am high in energy.

9. Déjà vu

This song has the best pre-chorus in the entire world, I don’t make the rules. Handong sounds amazing and I love how they opted not to do rap parts (well Dami did a hybrid of singing and rapping, which I don’t consider to be a rap part) in this song as I don’t think a rap will fit this song. The piano sounds amazing and I just love the verses and pre-chorus of this song so much. I was just really let down by the empty and loud chorus. I understand that they are trying to portray this sort of feel to the song but I was a bit disappointed because the parts before the chorus are just so beautiful. I really liked how they did a key change for the final chorus as it gives a strong impact and makes the final chorus more interesting.

8. Eclipse

Dreamcatcher actually did a song for an anime, I absolutely love this. I love the melody of the verses and how they opted for a sing-rap combo for this song and left the purely rap part near the final chorus, I think that makes the short rap section near the end a lot more impactful. I think the instrumental part in the chorus makes it sound a little empty though the instruments sound great and this song just sounds very well put together. I thoroughly enjoy this song but I rank it this low because I feel like this song doesn’t have that big of an impact and leave a lasting impression for me personally.

7. What

The instrumental to this song is just amazing and I love how the melody fits with the other aspects of the song. The vocals also sound amazing, the members did a great job recording this song. The song sounds epic, Dami’s rap in the bridge is super addicting. I actually really love this song but like Eclipse, it is not at the top of my ranking because I feel like this song doesn’t have that big of an impact and leave a lasting impression.

6. You and I

I love the melody in this song and the string instruments in the pre-chorus. The bridge sounds magical, it feels as if you are stepping into a different world and then you are back to the world you were originally when the final chorus hits. I do find the instrumental of the chorus to be underwhelming and that for me personally, caused me to be slightly bored of the song if I listen to it repeatedly. The members’ vocals really saved the chorus for me. Also, we got the iconic stick spinning Dami in the performance/choreography

5. BEcause

I love the creepy concept for this song, it portrays the creepiness very well. I absolutely love the guitar riffs in the pre-chorus. As usual, Dreamcatcher title tracks have amazing instruments in the background. Dami’s rap took me by surprise upon first listen in the nicest way possible as it really fits with the creepy concept. I’m really impressed by Leez and Ollunder for making amazing songs for Dreamcatcher that sound different every comeback while still maintaining the signature Dreamcatcher sound. I also enjoy the last chorus starting purely with the instruments, I usually don’t really like it when choruses sound empty but I just really enjoy the instrumentals of this song.

4. Odd Eye

I absolutely love the guitar riffs in this song and the melody is really nice. I enjoy the violin-like sound in the instrumental of the second verse. The build up to the final chorus sounds epic, the harmonies in the final chorus is amazing for creating this effect. The song also gives some kind of feeling of emptiness, but it’s executed really well so I have no complaints about this. I also love how Handong got a part in the chorus for her comeback in Dreamcatcher’s release. Overall, I really enjoyed the song.

3. Scream

I didn’t think I would like Scream this much as I usually don’t like empty choruses. At first listen I also don’t really like Gahyeon’s rap delivery as I think it is too low energy for this song. But I really enjoy the lack of vocals in the chorus as the instruments and the background vocals in the chorus sounds epic. I also love how there is a build up from the pre-chorus to the chorus. I also see that Gahyeon’s rap delivery was probably intentional as there is an increase in energy level from the beginning to the end of the second verse, this makes the drop in energy level in the second pre-chorus a lot more impactful.

2. Breaking Out

I love the simplicity in this song, the built up of the drums and the guitars from the pre-chorus into the chorus sounds amazing and the chorus is simple but addicting. The piano in the bridge is heavenly and the background vocals in the final chorus really completes the song. The song really portrays the members trying to break out of the dark night lmao I really don’t know how to describe this better in words. I don’t know what else to say because I love this song so much. I guess it shows that sometimes songs don’t need to be too complex for it to be enjoyable.

1. Boca

I was actually screaming when I saw this music video the hour it was released. This song’s rap parts are my favorite out of all Dreamcatcher title tracks. Siyeon’s high note in the final chorus is just chef’s kiss. This song has a lot of parts that leave a big impact, starting from Dami’s show stopping rap to the build-up in the pre-chorus (in both the vocals and the instruments) to the super catchy instruments in the chorus, to Gahyeon’s rap, to the epic bridge with the loud drums, to Siyeon’s high note. No wonder this is their most viewed music video, it is a very impactful comeback. Honestly, I love every single part of this song, I have no critiques whatsoever other than the fact that Handong wasn’t here.

Well there you have it, this is how I would personally rank Dreamcatcher’s title tracks. I can't believe I wrote 1,800 words for this lmao. As I said, I actually enjoy all of their title tracks and the songs placed in the lower ranks are still amazing to me. I really think Dreamcatcher has one of the best discographies in K-pop. Let’s support Dreamcatcher’s comeback with their second full album in April. I’m sooo excited for it, I know they will release amazing songs.


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